Now this is my very first attempt at baking and decoration a gingerbread house (I do love a challenge) and I am pretty happy with the result. But I have to share that it was not a smooth ride.
The baking went very well and the decorating started equally well but then I tried to add the roof and well it all turned pear shaped when I tried to adjust the roof at a late stage and the whole thing collasped and the roof parts broke. I very nearly through it across the room but I thought 'no I can fix this'. So I manged to get the sides together and after much pondering and coffee drinking I had a brilliant idea...
I found a tall skinny box, chopped the ends out, covered it in greaseproof paper and squeezed it into a diamond shape and placed it inside the house. I wasn't about to start baking more roof pieces so off to the supermarket to buy pink wafers and chocolate fingers and royal icing mixture my daughter and I went...
I applied liberal amounts of icing to the greasproof insert and between the wafers and fingers and it all stuck together beautifully. Then I just started sticking and eating heaps of candy. I think I gained about a kilo today from all that sugar.
More is more when it comes to decorating...
The base is just a thick piece of cardboard covered in grease proof paper....
And here it is all wrapped in its cellophane waiting for Christmas Eve to come around...
Now the only problem is I have no high shelt to put it on and two kids under 4 and a husband with a sweet tooth...hmmmmmmm I am going to have to be on guard duty I think!