
31 May 2012

Babushka Sampler Giveaway Winners

Why didn't someone tell me I had forgotten to draw my Babushka pattern giveaway!
With a busy toddler and 6 month old who still feeds 3 times a night my mind is not quite what it used to be and I need to write everything on the calendar otherwise I forget them and clearly I forgot to add this to my calendar!

I know I said I would wait for 50 comments before I drew the winners but hey 22 comments is just wonderful and better odds for you to win.

Eager to start
Now I was going to use the random number generator to draw the 3 winners but then I thought why don't I add numbers to a hat and get my son to do it - because there is nothing more random than a 2 year old!

Choosing carefully

Congratulations the winners are....

1.Comment 14 - Meari
2.Comment 12 - Sandie
3.Comment 17 - Becky

Meari & Sandie I found your email addresses so will send your patterns ASAP.

Becky can you let me know your email address, I will leave a message on your blog too.

Thank you to everyone that entered!


  1. How precious to have your son pull the names :)

    I love the chart. Thank you!

  2. Wee! I can't believe I'm one of the winners :) My email address is Can't wait to stitch these cuties.

    Thank you so much!


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