
08 February 2016

Faux Taxidermy Fox stitch-a-long: Part 1

Welcome to the first ever Cupcake Cutie Stitch-a-long!

I am literally taking you through every single step of the Fox pattern so lets get started......

Print out your pattern. (Find it HERE) Print out an extra copy of the pattern template pages 8 and 9.

Grab your favourite pair of scissors...

....and start cutting out each piece along the dotted line. Tip if you would like to reuse your pattern pieces a lot then first glue them onto light card and then cut them out.

Now you will see why the second copy of the pattern pieces comes in handy. You will need to refer to them to find the colours needed for the smaller pieces.

I always keep my pattern pieces in a zip loc bag as there is nothing more annoying than losing the eyeball piece!

OK your homework is to gather your felt, embroidery floss and pins etc and Part 2 will be cutting out the fabric.


Any questions so far? Please feel free to comment.


1 comment:

  1. I think this is super cute, but looks more like a deer. I'd love to see one that is a bit more fox-y and then make both :)


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