
04 June 2015

How to cross stitch on a chair

I love stitching on furniture and when I found this chair at The Warehouse (in NZ) I knew it was crying out to be stitched.

I dived into my wool stash and picked out a few bright colours and chose a large tapestry needle.

I decided it would probably look best with some kind of geometric pattern so I whipped up a cross pattern using cross stitch software and started stitching...

The wool I had was only 8 ply so I doubled it to get a nice chunky stitch. This was a bit fiddly as I had to make sure the 2 lengths didn't get tangled but it was really fast to stitch and so much fun to do.

I think it only took about 2 hours to finish stitching the whole thing. It was one of those projects I was desperate to see finished so no procrastinating on this one!

And the finished chair which matches my little sewing desk perfectly.


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