
04 December 2013

Triangle Geometric Cushion...making something out of nothing.

I am always squirreling away crafty bits and pieces that I have found at op shops, people have given me or leftovers from other projects and sometimes they all come together to make something wonderful...

For this fabulous cushion I used a piece of rug canvas I bought for 50 cents at the charity shop and acrylic craft wool that I already had from previous projects, and my new  Triangle Geometric pattern.

I used two strands of wool at a time and cross stitched the design onto the rug canvas...

...and made the design the same size as the cushion inner I had was recycling.
This is vaguely how I made it into a cushion cover...

I took a long length of calico and cut in two. Placed the fabric and  triangles right sides together and  sewed up against edge of either edge of completed tapestry with about a half inch seam.


Folded and pinned the edge of each piece of calico...

then sewed the  sides....

Turned the cover inside out and trimmed the sides and cut the corners,...

Turned right side out and stuffed with the inner and there you have it a funky cushion!

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