
11 January 2013

Op Shop find of the week

I am always on the look out for old New Zealand glass milk bottles but I refuse to pay $10 each for them which seems to be the going rate now that they are getting rare.

Lucky for me I found these two buried in a random box of pot lids and plastic containers at the local recycle centre which is attached to the dump/tip.
I paid $2 for both so I am very happy.

Now they are proudly displaying these lovely bright Hydrangeas cut fresh from my garden.


  1. Wow - I had no idea old milk bottles when for so much! My parents were recently doing some earthworks on their farm and dug up a whole bunch of old milk/medicine/alcohol bottles - must have been someones dumping site. Perhaps they should sell them to fund the new ute they want to buy!

    1. Absolutely...put them on trade me and they will make a fortune!


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