
23 November 2012

Christmas Market Part 4: Top 10 tips for craft market stalls

The day of my Christmas Craft Market is nearly here so I thought I would let you know my top 10 tips that might be useful if you are just starting out.

1} A week or a few days before it is time to stop making and start organising...sort out all your packaging, make sure you have plenty of business cards and enough tags for all your products. Start labelling and pricing - I find this always takes longer than you plan so don't leave it until the night before. I print my own packaging.....
Business cards and tags printed and ready to be cut.
Cards and tags already to go. And cute note paper for quotes etc.
2} Often people don't take business cards so as well as having a pile of them on the table I also place a card in every paper bag that I pack goodies in. This is something you can do the night before, mindlessly in front of the TV or better still delegate the job to your hubby!

3} Make sure you have a decent float with lots of change related to your prices. I have a lot of items that are $8 so I take heaps of $2 coins to have for change.

4} Mark prices in pencil on the back of your items so can be easily rubbed off if it is for a gift or if you decide you what do change the price during the market.

5} Have a nice big tablecloth or white sheet to cover your table right down to the ground. This makes your table look tidy and means you can hide all your extra stock and packaging underneath.

6} Laying out your product is important. Items look better grouped, but remember to leave space around groupings so people can actually appreciate each of your hand made items. If you have ten of one item display 3 or 5 and than top up stock as it sells. Which brings me too.....

7} Design the layout of your products on your home table or floor the day before and print out a photo....that way if you get stuck in traffic or have a bad night with the kids you already have your plan to follow and you have time to drink your coffee before the market opens. Here is my kitchen table effort........

I have only been allocated half a table so my stuff is a bit more squashed than I normally like it but otherwise I have my basic layout as a starting point and then I can pretty it up if I have time.

8} Take lots of easy to eat, non-messy snacks.

9} Introduce yourself to your fellow sellers next door, if you are on the stall by yourself you are going to need someone to watch your stall while you dash for another coffee or the loo!

10} Make an effort with what you are wearing too, you want to look as presentable as your crafts and wear comfortable (yet stylish!) shoes.

Right so I have followed all (most) of my own tips, the car is packed, the alarm is set and I am ready to go to market......Yay I am very excited!

I have packed the camera too and hopefully I will remember to take photos and report back... wish me luck!

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