
17 September 2012

Tutorial: Iron on transfer Christmas decoration

Time for a tutorial...hopefully it will inspire you to make use of your forgotten transfers.

This ornament is inspired by my recent purchase of a vintage Xmas transfer book (refer previous post!). I thought this little guy was adorable and the perfect size for a felt decoration for the tree.

Being an old book first I tested the sample transfers (not something you will often find me doing!) onto different coloured felts to see if it which colour it would show up on. I opted for this caramel as it was sort of a 'deer' colour.

TIPS: With vintage iron on transfers you will probably only be able to get one image from each transfer so make sure you make good use of it! Use a sheet of baking paper between transfer and iron if you are using acrylic felt otherwise it goes all hard.

If your piece of felt is big enough pop it into a hoop to make it easier to stitch ......

...and then get started using any colour and stitch that takes your fancy.

Here is Rudolph in all his glory.

Remove your finished design from the hoop (if you have used one) and here I have drawn a circle around the image using fading fabric marker to use as a guide for cutting.

I could have just left it round and added a back to complete the ornamnt but I decided I wanted another layer of colour.
I cut a free hand scalloped edge around my design and then lay in on different colour felt until I decided bright red was the winner.

Find something round to draw around. This drinking glass was the perfect size. I traced out cut two circles.

Next I pinned Rudolph on and marked where my French knots were to go. Running stitch would be just as cute if you are not a fan of knots!

All knotted up and ready to go!

Next choose your ribbon for the hanging loop and cut to size then start blanket stitcing the two red circles together remembering to catch your hanging loop with the stitching to keep it in place. Whip stitch would work just as well too.

And there you have it a new hand made decoration to add to the Christmas tree this year.

This project has definitely got me into the Christmas crafting mood and I think their will be a distinct deer theme this year as well as gingerbread houses because I just love them too.

Happy Xmas crafting!


  1. What a cute project! I love it so much that I decided to feature it in our roundup of handmade felt ornaments! Check it out here:

  2. Hi Julia. Thank you so much! How wonderful to be included in your felt ornament roundup. Your blog looks fabulous, I am going to go and follow it right now! Thanks again, Kim

  3. Really into this iron transfer making DIY project. Looks so cute.


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