
10 August 2012

Small Acorns 2012 Peg Doll competition

Hurray! It's Peg Doll Time Again!

By that I mean it is time to dig out your paper/fabric/recycled materials, bells/bows/sequins and ribbons and glue and start decorating a wooden peg for.......

Enter Our 2012 Peg Doll Competition...

Visit the Small Acorns website for all the details on how you can enter. It has two categories, one for kids under 14 and one for 'kids' over 14 - the latter would definitely be my category!

Check out last years winners in the photos above.

This is my entry from last year.....

Miss Riding Hood
.....I will have get the inspiration flowing to come up with an idea for 2012... I love a good craft competition!

It is open to overseas entries too so check out the details and get peg doll making.

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