
18 June 2012

New Pattern: Car + Caravan

I am proud to say I am finishing off projects (as well and starting new ones) and this is one of them..... Car + Caravan cross stitch/tapestry pattern.

This is the finished product that I stitched about 3 years ago....

....I drew the design onto two pieces of tapestry canvas, stitched with wool, then stretched them over 2 canvases and joined them with a plaited wool tow rope.

It hangs in my sons room and he loves it - I think it it quite cute too!

Anyway I started translating the design into an actual pattern probably about 2 years ago and when I finally made myself sit down and finish the pattern it took about half an hour - talk about procrastination!!!

So if you would like to stitch your own retro Car + Caravan you can find the pattern in my Etsy store here.


  1. That is a really cool design! I love how you stitched the car and caravan on two different canvases!


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