
30 June 2012

Meet my little Woodland House

After a bit of frantic stitching whenever the kiddies have been asleep or engrossed with the TV (yes I am one of 'those' Mums!) I have finished my latest project. Here it is in a few pieces...

Now I had planned to document how I sewed it together but quite frankly I just about turned myself inside trying to stitch it so taking photos along the way didn't quite happen.

I am really pleased with my little house although I wish I was better at taking photos because it does look better in person....

Next up is a needlebook in a similar theme and a Gingerbread house.

What are you crafting this weekend?

26 June 2012

I heart Orla Kiely

I love all things Orla Kiely but my budget has so far only stretched to a notebook and a magazine file oh and I did splurge on a Duvet cover - the one with the orange cars which I adore. But take a look at these....

Photo: Yesterday's Orla Kiely themed cupcakes...

Orla cupcakes! Just far too gorgeous to eat but aren't they divine.

They are from Nibble & Scoff cakes and you can find their facebook page here.

22 June 2012

More Embroidery Hoop love

Now we all know how obsessed I am with all things embroidery hoopish so it is no surprise that this idea tickled my fancy...

fabric wall pocket 4

A fabric wall pocket. Check out Abernathy Crafts for the full no sew tutorial to make your very own.

I think I need one for my shopping list. I will add it to my must do one day tutorial list!

20 June 2012

Another sneak peak...

So I started yet another project today...I was going to sketch it in my notebook but thought it was just as easy to get started on the actual design.....

I am going to stitch onto plastic canvas and make the design into a little house. Then I might put a ribbon on it to make a Christmas decoration...I will wait until I have finished it to decide.

What have you been working on today?

Mona Lisa made of jelly beans...

classic art made with jelly beans (7)

Someone is very clever and obviously very patient.

Check out the other classic artworks recreated using thousands of jelly beans here.


18 June 2012

New Pattern: Car + Caravan

I am proud to say I am finishing off projects (as well and starting new ones) and this is one of them..... Car + Caravan cross stitch/tapestry pattern.

This is the finished product that I stitched about 3 years ago....

....I drew the design onto two pieces of tapestry canvas, stitched with wool, then stretched them over 2 canvases and joined them with a plaited wool tow rope.

It hangs in my sons room and he loves it - I think it it quite cute too!

Anyway I started translating the design into an actual pattern probably about 2 years ago and when I finally made myself sit down and finish the pattern it took about half an hour - talk about procrastination!!!

So if you would like to stitch your own retro Car + Caravan you can find the pattern in my Etsy store here.

17 June 2012

Just a sneak peek...

at what I am stitching at the moment..... adorable pair of pink and white socks.....

....attached to some cute chubby legs....

More soon.

15 June 2012

Make a simple toy with cotton reels

Sometimes the simplest children's toys are the best.

String a whole lot of cotton reels onto a cord or ribbon and tie a secure knot and you are done!

For my 6 month old it is easy for her to hang onto with little hands and she has a great chew toy...

....and for my 2 year old he likes to wear it as a necklace and dress up his teddies....

He doesn't like the camera flash! it is a great toy and will suit kids of all ages.

If you are not a sewer I am sure you will have friends and family who are and would happily save the empty reels for you. Or you could always try second hand shops where you might get a bag for $1.

Get creative today!

08 June 2012

A hot water bottle for your teddy bear

My 2 year old has become obsessed with his hot water bottle and loves to cuddle it in bed - it has a cosy cover so its not too hot!!

His other obsession is 'Jiggles' his teddy bear, well when I say 'his' I mean he adopted her or rather stole Jiggles from his sister's cot when she was a few weeks old!

Anyway he decided Jiggles needed her own hot water bottle so I got to work while he had his afternoon nap and thought I would share the process with you.....

If you would like to make a hot water bottle for your teddy will just need...

felt scraps
embroidery thread

I free handed a bottle shape and cut it out in card. Then I delved into my felt scrap stash and thought the polka dots would make a great cover with a matching green for the bottle itself.

I cut 2 pieces of the spots for the cover, a sliver of green to become the top of the bottle poking out of the cover and then I decided I needed a teddy for decoration...

(If anyone wants the actual templates let me know & I can upload them.)

First I gave teddy some eyes with a couple of French knots using 2 strands of floss + a cross for his nose.

Then I attached teddy to the front of the cover using whip stitch and 2 strands of floss...

Here he is fully attached....

Then I pinned the strip of green bottle to the back of the cover, put wrong sides of the cover together and started blanket stitching using 3 strands of floss...

I continued stitching right around until I reached the neck and then I added a little stuffing...

I can't believe how old my hands look!!!

and then I stitched across the top making sure I caught the green of the bottle with my thread. If you find blanket stitch a bit tricky then whip stitch will work just fine.

This is the finished front...

This is the finished back...

So now my son is very excited about going to bed tonight with his hot water bottle and Jiggles with her hot water bottle. I am sure the novelty will have worn off by tomorrow!