
23 April 2012

Free Russian doll softie pattern coming soon

Finally the unpacking is finished and I can get back to crafting!

Here is a sneak peak at what I am working on.....

....a mini Russian Doll softie pattern. This is what I managed to get done this morning while Master 2 was at daycare (we love daycare!)

It is a cute wee doll that will be good for little hands or a really cute pincushion if you could bear to stab her with pins.

I will try and get stitching tomorrow and take photos as I go and then post the free pattern and step-by-step tutorial when I am done.

I hope to have it ready by the weekend but don't hold me to it as it depends how many tantrums there are between now and then!

1 comment:

  1. tu es un amour j adore les dolls j en suis folle de ces poupees bises j attends ton tutoriel avec plaisir bises


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