
13 February 2012

Turn an old tapestry into a pincushion!

So I know I am supposed to be sticking to one craft project and one craft project only (refer here to find out more) but I got a little side tracked with this...

Tapestry pincushion

We are moving house at Easter so the packing has begun, although it is slow progress with a toddler who unpacks as we pack. So I am sorting through my craft stuff and realising the true extent of my unfinished projects!
I have always loved to stitch and have loads of completed tapestries of my own designs just sitting in a box. I have nearly thrown them out in the last two moves but always thought I might come up with a great idea for them.

Unfortunately I always stitch on the smallest piece of canvas I can find (!) which leaves no room for framing so what to do with them?

I thought I would turn one of the little ones into a pincushion so here is what I did....

This is what I started with
I trimmed the canvas close to the edge of the stitching but ensuring not to cut into the square of the stitches. I cut a piece of green felt to the same size as the tapestry...

Then using 6 strands of black embroidery floss (DMC 310!) I started to blanket stitch the two together. I am a huge fan of blanket stitch and find it quite addictive (is that a bit sad?) but it is a stitch that takes a bit of practice. Check out my stitch guide for how I do it!

Its a little hard to see but I am stitching over the black wool stitching already there with the felt attaching at the back. This is what it looks like from the felt side...

Then I stitched all the way around. I was a bit worried the white canvas showing through might not look so flash but it is hardly noticeable and with the black stitching it almost has a lace effect.

I left one of the short sides open and then stuffed with polyfill - not too tighty as I wanted to be able to see the face clearly.

Then I stitched it up! It didn't take that long actually and I am quite pleased with the end result...

This is the view from the top...

Now what to do with the other thirty old tapestries...hmmmmm.stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. sweet! can never have too many pin cushions =) i've just been made one in the style of a wide brimmed hat =D

    Chloe x


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