
23 January 2012

Project Update: Week One

For those just tuning in I have started a new craft project and to keep me on the straight and narrow I will be posting weekly updates of my progress. I hope this will stop me from putting it down and starting yet another project which will never get completed!

So here is the progress so far.....
Doesn't look much but for you cross stitchers out there you know how long it takes to complete a square inch. I have it on a high kitchen counter away from sticky fingers (only just!) and try and sneak a few rows in here and there between domestic & parental duties.

You will be proud to know I even spend a long time measuring and counting and marking to get my pattern in the correct spot.......
Here I have tacked the waste canvas in place and have used fading marker to work out where to start stitching. My fading marker lines are however still in place 3 days later...hmmmm...I am hoping they will eventually fade!

Whan I am stitching up one of my new designs for the first time I am always changing colours and layout....
This is what my work in progress looks like. For once I am really taking note of the exact cotton colours etc and writing lots of notes. Usually I rely on memory but after two children who am I kidding I need to write things down.

Pop by next Monday and see much more stitching has been done!

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