
11 April 2011

12 sleeps until Craft 2.0!

Not long now and I will be behind my stall at Craft 2.0 - very excited!!!
Have hundreds (!) of things left to do - not helped by printer issues which I could rant about for ever but  won't bore you with.

Every day this month the Craft 2.0 blog is profiling the April 2011 creators and today it is my turn.

I have been reading everyday to find out about all the crafters and have noted most people kept their blurbs short and sweet. Hmmmmm mine is quite lengthy.

Moral of the story is don't have two very generous glasses of red wine and fill out your profile form.

Hope you don't fall asleep half way through!

1 comment:

  1. I think having two generous glasses of wine is a GREAT idea before filling out a profile :-).

    Will keep an eye out for ya at the fair :-)


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