
20 September 2010

Gorgeous wee Russian Dolls

Russian dolls or Babushkas or Matryoshka dolls are my new favourite thing at the moment.
I have designed this sweet wee tapestry and completed it with teeny tiny stitches on Ecru fine weave linen - I am now thinking of investing in a magnifying glass and miners hat complete with light to aid the process!

So cute!!

You too can stitch this delightful design - check out Russian doll #1 pdf pattern (left hand doll) or Russian Doll #2 pattern (right hand doll) in my Etsy store to purchase the pdfs - no need to wait for the post to arrive I can email it to you ASAP so you can start stitching.

You don't even need to go out and buy more threads as this is a great little project to use up all your left over threads (although I do provide a chart if you prefer).

Teeny tiny stitches!

Ideal as a cross stitch or tapestry using any size of canvas of aida. The pattern is easy to use as one square represents one stitch. Choose 14 count aida and you will get a larger doll!

Easier still buy the completed tapestry here and use your creative sewing skill to incorporate the design into a cushion, purse, ipod cover or anything that takes your fancy.

Also coming soon (between renovating a house and looking after a fiesty 6 month old boy!) will be an already framed version + another delightful Russian doll pattern who will be joining her sisters + a gorgeous wee toy soldier design.

Stay tuned!!

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