
01 December 2010

Crafty Giveway from Cat Taylor Design

I have been perusing my favourite blogs and have just visited Cat Taylor Design .
Check out her lovely blog and sneak a peek at the gorgeous creations in her Felt and Etsy stores.

She currently has a Christmas giveaway competition with a pack of crafty goodies to be won.
I am coveting the beautiful bias!

Christmas Stocking

Finished at last!
 It is my son's first Christmas this year so I thought it was the perfect excuse to
start yet another craft project - a Xmas stocking.

I found the pattern in the fabulous Toffee magazine (blogged about below!) and adapted it
slightly as I am not very good at sticking to patterns even my own.

Oliver's stocking has cute birdies on one side and gingerbread men on the other.
I am most proud of the fact I used all materials from my stash and didn't buy anything to make it.

As my husband was very keen to point out it won't exactly fit much in it...
but that is not the point because it is so cute!!

You can check out other stockings made from the same pattern on flickr

My next project is making dough gingerbread ornaments - stayed tuned for the results!

Toffe Magazine - Launch Isssue

I recently stumbled upon this fabulous new crafty magazine while perusing the lovely Haby Goddess blog and was so excited to discover that you don't have to trek out to the shop to get can download it on the spot for just $2.99 AU - Instant Gratification!!

It is full of crafty pages and patterns and has printable projects - Yeah!

It features a great Chhristmas stocking pattern which I found really easey to use and will post about next.

Get your copy of Toffee here